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A girl prays during Eid el-Kebir at a mosque in Koumassi, in the Ivorian capital Abidjan. Muslims around the world celebrate Eid el-Kebir, also known as Eid al-Adha, by slaughtering sheep, goats, camels and cows to commemorate Prophet Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son, Ismail, on God's command.

A resident walks past a building that collapsed after a magnitute of 7.2 earthquake struck in Cebu City, central Philippines.

Horses covered with burdock graze in the Siberian Taiga area on the bank of the Yenisei River outside Krasnoyarsk, Russia.

Indian villagers stand on the breached embankment of swollen Kangsabati river at Samat village in West Bengal state. Heavy torrential rain in the aftermath of weakened Cyclone Phailin have made rivers to overflow in the state.

A stork sits on a stop sign near Immerath, western Germany.

Muslim pilgrims arrive to throw pebbles at pillars during the "Jamarat" ritual, the stoning of Satan, in Mina near the holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

Veterans of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers 2nd Battalion hand in a petition protesting against the regiment's disbandment at 10 Downing Street in central London. The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers has been disbanded in recent cuts to the defense budget.

A worker cleans the exterior of a newly built urban complex building accommodating offices and retail shops in Beijing, China, Oct. 14, 2013.