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شنبه ۲۰ بهمن ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۰۵:۰۵

Persian Primetime lineup 6/11

Today’s Woman continues its election coverage, and will interview supporters of the Mousavi and Karoubi campaigns, regarding women and the election.

News and Views updates on the election, with the latest on rallies, the debates, and views from around the world. There’s also reaction to cleric Rafsanjani’s open letter urging the supreme leader to stop Ahmadinejad's attacks. Dr. Graeme Bannerman, of the Middle East Institute, a Middle East analyst an observer for the recent election in Lebanon, will discuss that election, and offer his perspective on Iran’s election.

Straight Talk offers comprehensive coverage of the election and will have viewer’s perspectives.

Late Edition features and interview with Nick Kisar, political cartoonist, to discuss the media’s role in the election, and an interview with Ehsan Zahedani, UCLA student activist, to discuss the Iranian American student’s perspectives on the elction. The broadcast also offers coverage of views of the election from inside Iran.

features its roundup of PNN journalists who will analyze news of the week.