لینکهای قابل دسترسی

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جمعه ۳۱ فروردین ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۱۳:۰۱

Persian Primetime lineup 6/4

Today’s Woman covers President Obama’s Cairo speech as it pertains to women. The broadcast will include a variety of art packages on exhibits and performances from around the world. Also, one segment will discuss cultural heritage with phoner guest Ms. Shikoo Mirzadeghi, writer and cultural heritage activist based in Denver

News and Views offers comprehensive coverage of President Obama’s Cairo speech to the Muslim world, and will have reactions and analysis. John Limbert, Former US Ambassador, and
Ali Banuazizi, Director of the Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies Program at Boston College, will be on hand to discuss. NaV also features an interview with Saad Eddin Ebrahim, an Egyptian Civil Rights activist, on the issues. The broadcast continues its election coverage with analysis of the debates.

Straight Talk discusses President Obama’s Cairo speech and continues its analysis of the twentieth anniversary of Khamenei's supreme leadership.

Late Edition wraps up President Obama’s speech in Cairo and discusses it with journalist Omid Mamarian of UC Berkley’s Graduate School of journalism. There’s also coverage of the E3 video gaming expo in Los Angeles, and a preview of the new film “The Hangover.”

Newstalk features its roundup of PNN journalists who will analyze news of the week.