لینکهای قابل دسترسی

خبر فوری
چهارشنبه ۲۴ بهمن ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۱۰:۵۸

Persian Primetime lineup 4/23

Today’s Woman offers an interview with the fiancé of imprisoned journalist Roxana Saberi, and has a discussion with musician Hana Fahan Forouz.

News and Views reports on Iran’s nuclear chief saying Iran is "ready for constructive dialogue" regarding its nuclear program. Dr. Shahriyar Ahi, Expert on US-Iranian relations who will discuss the Washington Post article dealing with Israel’s foreign policy priorities towards Iran and U.S., and the region. There’s also an update on the Taliban in Pakistan, as well as an interview with US Senator Byron Dorgan, from Roxana Saberi’s home state of North Dakota. NaV again offers another installment in its series on Iran’s judiciary.

Roundtable features Thomas Tamm Lawyer and former Department of Justice lawyer who exposed the Bush Administration's secret warrantless surveillance program to the New York Times. Tamm is now the subject of an FBI investigation, is being charged on two accounts (endangering national security and espionage) and faces up to 10 years prison time for each charge.

Late Edition updates on Al Qaeda arrests in Turkey. There’s also an interview with theater director Torange Yeghiazarian, a report that Facebook might ban access to the site from Iran, a look at a bar where you “breath” the cocktails, a profile of the Chinese pianist Lang Lang, and a preview of the new film “Whatever Works.”

Newstalk features its roundup of PNN journalists who will analyze news of the week.