Today’s Woman will focus on political prisoners in Iran including several phone interviews with family members of political prisoners from inside Iran.
News and Views reports that the U.S. called on the UN to take action after a Security Council said Iran violated international sanctions banning it from exporting munitions. NaV also covers the opening in Tehran of the summit of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) to discuss the global economic crisis, as well as President Obama’s meeting with UN secretary Ban Ki Moon. Another installment of a series on Iran’s relationship with non-Muslim countries airs. Today is the 2^nd part of Iran’s relationship with Israel. Dr. Gholamreza Hossein Borr, specialist on Iranian ethnic affairs, will discuss Iran’s government announcement of the executions of six Baluch in the past seven days.
Roundtable features its viewer participation day.
Late Edition updates on the UN’s confrontation of Iran for arms imports. There’s also a story about a filmmaker having a camera implanted in his eye, more from fashion week in Paris, and African film festival winner, and a preview of the new film “The Great Buck Howard.”
Newstalk features political analysts Alireza Nourizadeh from London and Moshen Sazegara, in the DC studio to discuss news of the week.