Today’s Woman will discuss women in sports with PNN contributor Mr. Ali Emadi. Next, the show will include a satirical look at politics with guest Mr. Ebrahim Nabavi, comedian based in Belgium.
News and Views updates on the election in Israel and reports on Palestinian reaction. NaV continues in coverage of the anniversary of the Revolution and discusses Lebanon/Hezbollah -- Exporting the Revolution. Dr. Jashid Assadi joins from Paris to discuss Iran's economy -- 30 years after the Revolution. The broadcast also features day six of Iran/Africa series, and reports on the a recent wave of Bhais being put on trial.
Ms. Porochista Khakpour will join Roundtable to discuss the role of the youth in the 1979 revolution in Iran, as well as their efforts in steering discussion from revolutionary ideas into more reconciliatory ones in today's Iran.
Late Edition updates on the elections in Israel, and discusses the cinema and the student movement in post-Revolution Iran. There’s also a series of universities in the US, a profile of a high-tech guitar, and a preview of the new film The International.
Newstalk features political analysts Alireza Nourizadeh from London and Moshen Sazegara, in the DC studio to discuss news of the week.