لینکهای قابل دسترسی

خبر فوری
چهارشنبه ۱ اسفند ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۰۳:۲۰

Persian Primetime lineup 1/6

Today’s woman will recognize the anniversary of the 1936 banning of the veil in Iran. The remainder of the show will discuss psychological effects of child abuse with guest Dr. Fosjan Zaini, psychologist based in Los Angeles.

News and Views updates on the situation in Gaza, with world reax, and what Iran’s role might be. Dr. Steven A. Cook, Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, to discuss the crisis
NaV also covers reports that Russian gas supplies to Turkey from a western pipeline passing through Ukraine have been completely cut, but Ankara's Iranian embassy said Iran might increase its gas flows to Turkey to cover the shortfall.
From inside Iran there’s an interview regarding an Iranian police major who left the country 3 months ago, leaving under pressure from Iran’s security forces. He and his family members are now in Turkey.

Roundtable hosts Ilan Berman, Vice President of Policy at American Foreign Policy Council, to discuss the outlook of Obama administration's foreign policy towards the Middle East / Hamas & Israeli conflict

Late Edition updates on the Gaza crisis, and the Obama administration and the economy. There’s also artwork regarding the Gaza crisis, a controversial TV drama from Jordan, a VARS fashion, and a preview of the new film “Good.”

Newstalk hosts Dr Rob Sobhani in DC and Nasser Mohammedi in London to discuss news of the day.