لینکهای قابل دسترسی

خبر فوری
شنبه ۲۷ بهمن ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۰۳:۴۷

Persian Primetime lineup 8/20

Today’s Women: discusses the execution of an young Iranian with his lawyer Mohammad Mustafa from Tehran -Iran. We also have an interview with Dr. Danesh Foroughi from Los Angeles, CA on successful and unsuccessful marriages and a report on the influence of age on relationships, followed by discussion with guest and panel.

News and Views: Updates the Georgia situation, Russia 's troop pullout and NATO & European reaction. We are also covering Secretary of State Rice's visit to Poland. PNN's International Correspondent Nazzy Belgari reports from NY on the Tuesday night meeting of the UN Security Council on Georgia. Our live guest is Herman Pirchner , Founder and President of the American Foreign Council -- dicussing.

Roundtable: Guest is Cyrus Saify , specialist on India and Pakistan, to discuss the ramifications of President Musharraf's resignation on Pakistan; internal struggle of various political parties in Pakistan for power. He will also discuss the future US - Pakistan relations.

Late Edition: continues to follow the latest developments on Georgia/Russia. There will be report on NATO reaction, a report on latest developments in the student movement in Iran, a report on the Great Wall in Beijing, as well as the latest on the Olympics.

Newstalk: Host Jamshid Charlangi is joined by Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh from London, Dr. Mohsen Sazgara in our Washington Studio, and Farzad Hosseini an associate of Ayattollah Kazemeini Borojerdi a prisoner of Islamic Republic. Topics include Iran, Olympics, role of former President Rafsanjani in Iranian domestic infighting, Oil industry in Iran and finally Iran- Pakistan relations after Musharraf.