In recognition of the anniversary, Today’s Womanwill discuss the role of women during the Constitutional Revolution with our guest historian Dr. Mehra Maleki from Palo Alto, California.
News and Viewsis launching its investigative series on Corruption in the Iranian Judiciary System. We will refer to a 300 page document “leaked” to PNN. We will have additional guests to provide background to the daily segments.
We advance our reporting on the “informal” deadline for Iran to respond to a world power incentive package. Iran and the representative of six world powers talked by telephone on Monday over Tehran's disputed nuclear program but the Islamic Republic said it would press ahead despite a demand to halt the work. EU head was to have asked why Iran “ignored” the deadline.
NaV also covers reports that Iran has tested a new marine weapon. The new weapon is said to be "unique in the world" and has a range of 300 kilometers, or 186 miles. Monday's report provided no further details and didn't say when or where the weapon was tested.
GUEST: Evan Siegel from New York to discuss the history of Iran’s Constitutional Revolution. He also is a full time professor at New Jersey City University.
Roundtablehosts Historian / Analyst Mashallah Ajoudani live from London to discuss the Constitutional Revolution in Iran.
Late Editionreports on the death of author and Soviet concentration camp survivor Aleksandar Solzhenitsyn. We will have a live report from the AIDS conference in Mexico City, there’s a sports segment, and coverage of an exhibit of painter Salvador Dali’s work.
Newstalkwill be joined by activist Elahae Hicks to discuss human rights in Iran and around the world.