لینکهای قابل دسترسی

خبر فوری
چهارشنبه ۲۴ بهمن ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۰۱:۳۷

Persian Primetime lineup 7/27

Today's Woman: The show will begin with coverage of current events, focusing on issues related to women. The remainder of the show will discuss with our guest lawyer and activist Ms. Leili Pourzand the recent death-by-stoning sentence of nine people in Iran. Ms. Pourzand will join us from Toronto.

News and Views: Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Sunday expressed his grief over the mysterious weekend car bombing that killed six people in Gaza and sparked the toughest Hamas crackdown against its rival Fatah, but said his government do not accept the accusations made by Hamas and denied involvement in the blast. The northern Lebanese city of Tripoli was calm on Sunday morning after Lebanese army forces strengthened their positions following fierce clashes between rival groups. Our Guest is Dr. Anvari.

The First Two Days: The show will have Faramaz Aslani and Babak Amini, two Iranian performers talking about their musical collaboration.

Late Edition: Top story: Lebanon Clashes.

NewsTalk: The show will discuss the latest events of Iran (recent wave of executions by gallows, and Mr. Ahmadi Nejad’s comments on continuation of Uranium enrichment). Our guests are Shahram Fatemi, Manouchehr Mohammadi, and Bahman Amir Hosseini.