لینکهای قابل دسترسی

خبر فوری
دوشنبه ۲۹ بهمن ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۱۲:۲۶

Persian Primetime lineup 7/3

Today's Woman offers live coverage from the Iranian Women's Studies Foundation conference (IWSF) "The Essential Needs of the Iranian Woman Today," the following segment will discuss the art components of this year's IWSF conference as well as last year's IWSF conference "Achievements and Challenges of Iranian Women, Perspectives for their Future". The next segment will discuss a new bill being passed in Iran, which will allow execution to be the punishment for rapists, bandits, pornography, armed rubbery and political Bloggers. This segment will include PNN's Arash Aalaei. The last segment will discuss viewer e-mails.

News and Views will recognize the 20th anniversary of the accidental downing of Iran Air Flight 655 over the Persian Gulf on July 3, 1988, killing all 290 passengers and crew, by The U.S. Navy’s guided missile cruiser USS Vincennes. We will use the house package which includes State Dept reax, and the broadcast will supplement with comments by a US based relative of one who died on the flight.
At a press conference at the UN our correspondent asked Iran's foreign minister Mottaki about reports of the US opening an interest section in Tehran after 28 years. He said his country might consider suggestions of US on opening an US interest section in Tehran.'We believe that restoring relations between the American and Iranian nations would be a positive move,' Mottaki said. NaV will have this report
We will have the comments of Nobel laureate Shirin Ebadi who called on Iran and the US to find a peaceful resolution to the standoff over Tehran's nuclear program, warning that military action would harm ordinary people. Ebadi told a group of activists Thursday that she expects "Iran and the U.S. to settle their disputes through negotiation."

Roundtable hosts political analyst Mehdi Ghasemi to discuss political corruption in Iran.

Late Edition will report on the end of a hostage crisis in Colombia. Other stories include a report on the band Coldplay, a new exhibit and New York’s Guggenheim museum, and a live report about the Iranian table tennis team in Las Vegas.

features its PNN journalist’s news wrap up. Topics include latest on Iran’s nuclear program, the upcoming meeting between Nicholas Sarkozy Bashar al Assad, and the possibility of a military coup in Turkey