لینکهای قابل دسترسی

خبر فوری
سه شنبه ۲۳ بهمن ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۰۵:۵۱

Persian Primetime lineup 5/9

Today’s Woman discusses government imposed prohibitions on women traveling abroad, highlighting the recent debate concerning Malaysian women. Additional segments include a discussion of the health benefits associated with dark chocolate, and the way nutrition contributes to healthier skin.

News and Views will continue its reporting on the violence in Lebanon. It’s being reported that Hezbollah forces are taking over most of the capital. NaV is joined by Salameh Nematt to give us background and analysis. He was until recently the Washington bureau chief of the Arab newspaper Dar Al Hayat, and is now an independent columnist. Our Washington report relays that world powers will in the coming days will offer a revised package of incentives to Iran but Washington has refused to send its own envoy to help present the deal. The broadcast also covers the EU 2007 evaluation of human rights worldwide. The reports states that human rights abuses in many countries, notably China, Iran and Russia, continue to give cause for concern. EU parliamentarians are "deeply concerned that respect for fundamental rights in Iran, especially freedom of expression and assembly, continued to deteriorate in 2007". -Jacqueline Shire, advisor to David Albright, a physicist and President of the Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS) in Washington, D.C. She’ll join Princeton centrifuge expert Scott Kemp live from the NY Studio to talk about Iran’s nuclear issues, in this latest installment in our series of analysis of Iran’s nuclear program.

Dr. Siamak Shojai will join Roundtable today for a discussion about Iran’s economy. Dr. Shojai is Dean of the College of Business at Central Connecticut State University, is live from Hartford, Connecticut.

Late Edition presents a story that focuses on U.S. and Iraqi officials saying they have made progress in employing Iraqis in reconstruction and other jobs. An Iraqi government minister and a U.S. defense undersecretary discuss efforts to revitalize Iraq's economy.

Newstalk features it’s Friday US foreign policy round up. Siamak Deghanpour joins Vafa on set, and Shayan Samii will be live from Los Angeles. Topics include Iran rejecting tripartite talks, the crisis in Lebanon, the Myanmar cyclone aftermath, and the anniversary of Israel’s founding.