لینکهای قابل دسترسی

خبر فوری
یکشنبه ۲۸ بهمن ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۲۰:۱۲

Persian Primetime lineup 5/2

Today's Woman discusses the economic empowerment of women globally, with special attention to the case of women in Iran with our guest, Ms. Mehrangiz Kar, lawyer and Human Rights Activist by remote from Boston. Ms. Kar will discuss her recent book, "Women and Business in Iran".

News and Views: The Middle East Quartet meets today in London to discuss Middle East Peace. Before the Meeting with her counterparts, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice criticized Arab States for draggin their feet on the Middle East Peace Process. The Five Plus one group meets today in London, as well, to discuss how to get Iran to cease its nuclear enrichment progrram. The group consists of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany. In London, Secretary Rice said she was not prepared to sweeten an offer to Iran to give up its controversial nuclear program. Turkish forces are bombarding PKK Kurdish poisitions in Iraq. PNN stringer, Javanmardi, will discuss these developments by phone from Erbil, Iraq. California State Assemblyman, Joel Anderson will join the show by remote from San Diego. Anderson was instrumental in organizing the movement to divest inestments in Iran related financial dealings by the pension funds of California State Universities.

Roundtable With You will focus on how the Iranian National Holiday, Nowrus came to be recognized as a national holiday in Canada, in a discussion with its guest, Dr. Reza Moridi, Dr. Moridi is the Liberal member of the Ontario Parliament who spearheaded this legislation. He will be our guest by remote from Toronto.

Late Edition's top stroy for today will be "Five Years since President Bush Declared "Mission Accomplished" in Iraq, with sound bites from the President and Senators Clinton, McCain, and Obama along with analysis by Anthony Cordesman of SAIS and John Fortier of AEI. The piece is based on a house report by Leta Long Pincher. Also, Late Edition's guest today, will be opera singer Tajabadi from Paris.

NewsTalk today hosted by Vafa Mostaghim will focus on key events of the week, with special attention to the Middle East Quarted and the 5 plus one group meetings in London as well as the State Department's Report on Terrorism in 2007, that was released on April 30. In sutdio guests include PNN's Siamak Dehghanpour and Dr. Aram Hessami of Montgomery College, and analyst Shayan Samiiby L.A.Polycom.