Today’s Woman will discuss the Tiburon International Film Festival, which seeks to provide a greater understanding of the world and its many cultures through the artistic medium of film. The broadcast will also focus on the Noor Film Festival, which celebrates Iranian-American culture and its contribution to the American cultural landscape through the medium of film.
News and Views will report that the U.K. is to host six-power talks about Iran. The meeting will take place on Friday in London, a Foreign Office spokesman said Monday. Foreign Secretary David Miliband will host the talks, the same day as a meeting of the international Middle East quartet. The broadcast will cover reports that Iran's top national security official held talks Monday with the acting secretary of Russia's National Security Council aimed to defuse international concerns about Tehran's nuclear program, and that Pakistan says it has cleared the way with Iran to finalize an agreement on a $7.5bn gas pipeline to India. The news came during a visit to Pakistan by Iranian President Ahmadinejad on the first leg of a tour of South Asia.
Today’s guest on Roundtable is Kianoosh Sanjari, human rights activist and weblogger, who fled Iran a year ago upon his release from jail on charges of covering the demonstration of a dissident cleric in Tehran. Sanjari will discuss human rights violations in Iran especially as it relates to the arrest of students who oppose the government.
Late Edition will feature a web site's e-protest campaigns seeks to organize international action on global issues. is harnessing the power of the Internet for global campaigns that it says most people everywhere want.
Newstalk will host Elahae Hicks via New York. Human rights activist and Artist Behnam Zandi will be on the phone from Belgium, and political analyst Iraj Fatemi will be on the phone from Paris to discuss human rights in Iran.