لینکهای قابل دسترسی

خبر فوری
شنبه ۲۷ بهمن ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۰۰:۰۳

Persian Primetime lineup 3/6

Today’s Woman features a live phone interveiw with Parvan Ardalan from Tehran on the day she was scheduled to receive the 2007 Olaf Palme prize. In studio guest Mahnaz Afkamy, Iranian feminist and human rights worker, will discuss Ardalan’s case as well as the upcoming International Woman’s day.

News & Views will have comprehensive coverage of the Mansour Osanloo Worldwide Action Day, a 40 city event to recognizing the incarceration of the Iranian bus driver’s union leader. The broadcast also reports: A meeting brokered by Baghdad between Iran and the United States over Iraq's security was postponed and no date was set for the fourth round of talks between U.S. and Iranian officials. Iranian-American radio journalist Parnaz Azima said yesterday that Iran had threatened to seize her 95-year-old mother's home in Tehran if she did not return to serve a sentence for propaganda. Mark Katz of George Mason University will be live in studio to discuss the Iranian/Russian relationship.

Roundtable interviews Dr. Mehrdad Mashayekhi, Professor of sociology at Georgetown University, will be in the Washington Studio, to discuss Iranian Parliamentary election and the selection of candidates.

Late Edition’s topics include the upcoming Iranian Elections, and will have guest Arsham Parsi, executive director of an Iranian gay and lesbian activist group to discuss gays and lesbians in Iran.

Newstalk Features its Thursday Journalist’s Roundtable with live reports from Rome and London for the Mansour Osanloo Worldwide Action Day. Other discuss topics include the latest round of UN sanctions, the US primaries, and turkey pulling out of Northern Iraq.