Today’s Woman open’s with the events surrounding the assassination of Benazir Bhutto in Pakistan. The reports are then followed by a discussion of global warming, its effects on the environment, the US position on the Kyoto Protocol, and alternatives to the Protocol.
News & Views offers comprehensive coverage of the breaking news out of Pakistan. Our coverage of the assassination included live on the scene commentary by VOA correspondent Ayaz Gul on the phone from the VOA bureau in Islamabad, Pakistan. Included in our reporting is reaction from the White House and State Dept, as well as analysis by Ali Jalali, former Afghan interior minister who joins us live on the phone to discuss the situation in Pakistan. Mr. Jalali is currently a Distinguished Professor, Near East and South Asia Center for Strategic Studies, National Defense University. In addition to this coverage we reported on : --the Turkey/Iraq border incursions, --Iraq saying it had not repudiated a 32-year-old border treaty with Iran, despite a declaration by Iraqi President Jalal Talabani that the accord over which the countries waged a decade of war was now void, --and an interview from inside Iran we have an interview with the wife of one of the students imprisoned during the recent wave of protests in Iran.
Roundtable discusses the breaking news of assasination of Benazir Bhutto with Dr. Amin Habbibi from London and Dr. Nourizadeh on the phone.
Late Edition will air a special edition dedicated to the breaking news of Benazir Bhutto's assasination, her career in Pakistani politics and international reactions to her death.
Newstalk features the Persian News Network’s journalist’s roundtable. Our correspondents will discuss the situation in Pakistan, as well as other news events of the week.