News & Views reports on the congressional testimony of Army General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker reporting on the progress in Iraq. The Wall Street Journal reports that the Pentagon is preparing to build its first base for U.S. forces near the Iraqi-Iranian border, in a major new effort to curb the flow of advanced Iranian weaponry to Shiite militants across Iraq. Iran is trying to persuade European governments to give up the pursuit of a third round of United Nations sanctions and allow it the opportunity to prove that the country's nuclear program is not designed for weapons production.
Roundtable hosts Dr. Manouchehr Ganji, a former minister of education under the Shah and now a human rights activists. He'll discuss the myriad human rights organizations that monitor and/or aid human rights victims in Iran and the ways our audience can get in touch with them.
Late Edition airs an original report from a recent AEI lecture by South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham on the security situation in Iraq.
NewsTalk discusses human rights abuses in Iran, the Family Protection Law; Women's rights pre/post 1979 Revolution with Mahnaz Afkhami, founder and President of the Women's Learning Partnership for Rights, Development, and Peace.