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جمعه ۱۹ بهمن ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۱۵:۱۰

Persian Primetime lineup 7/13

News & Views reports on the conclusion of the IAEA talks in Tehran where Iran has agreed to allow IAEA inspecters to visit a heavy water reactor facility in Arak. Congressional report on last night's House vote on withdrawing troops from Iraq. An update on the stoning death in Iran. The EU has criticized Iran for the “horrendous” stoning, and Iran’s Ambassador to Finland was summoned to the Foreign Ministry where Finland condemned the execution. An interview with David Cockroft, Secretary General of the of the International Transport Workers Federation to talk about Mansour Osanlou's abduction and global efforts being made by his organization to secure Osanlou's safety and release. Mr. Osanlou's wife joins us by phone. "On the Record" with Dr. Kambiz Mahmoudi, the Persian News Neetwork's senior managing editor debuts on the new two hour News & Views.

Roundtable hosts historian Mahshala Ajoudani from London to discuss to the evolution of nationalism in Iran.

NewsTalk hosts VOA correspondent Siamak Deghanpour, political activist Amir Hossein Gandjbakhche, and political science professor Shayan Samaii to discuss the latest news in U.S. policy towards Iran.

Late Edition airs an original interview with David Albright, former UN weapons inspector and now with the Institute for Science and International Security, who provided satellite photographs to The Washington Post this week on Iran's nuclear program.