News & Views reports on President Bush's remarks at the dedication of the new Victims of Communism memorial in Washington. Washington Report focuses on the future of IAEA/Iran talks in light of their recent cancellation. Latest on the American detainees as well as an update on five alleged Iranian intelligence agents in U.S. custody. Congressional report on a House Armed Services hearing on the development of Iraqi security forces. Inside Iran report on a petition signed by 57 Iranian economists and sent to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on the worsening economic situation in Iran.
Roundtable commemorates the one year anniversary of a gathering of Iranian women in front of Tehran University who were attacked by police forces. Human rights activist Dr. Ladan Boroomand joins our discussion and a phoner with activist Bahareh Hedayat.
Late Edition reports on a recent conference where the Israeli ambassador to the U.S. discussed Israeli foreign policy towards Iran.
NewsTalk discusses the petition signed by 57 Iranian economists to Ahmadinejad with Dr. Shahriar Ahi, political analyst/researcher and Nassar Mohammadi, Kayhan-London.