News & Views reports on Defense Secretary Gates declaration that the U.S. presence in Iraq will be long term based on the model of South Korea. White House meeting with Iraqi President Jalal Talabani. Press Conference on Haleh Esfandiari with husband Shaul Bakhash and Lee Hamilton, head of the Woodrow Wilson Center. Phoner with Sharam Chubin, Genenv Center for Security Policy on U.S.-Iran talks and Iran's nuclear program.
Roundtable hosts Farhad Besharati, from LA, a professional Presian musician who plays the Ghaboon.
Late Edition's top story examines the assimilation of Muslims in U.S. society.
Newstalk hosts student activist Ali Afshari and Bahman Aghai Diba, consultant, World Resources Company, to discuss the latest news from Iran, U.S.-Iran relations and human rights.