لینکهای قابل دسترسی

خبر فوری
سه شنبه ۳۰ بهمن ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۱۲:۲۹

Persian Primetime lineup 4/14

NewsTalk reporter Siamack Deghanpour is in studio as the program reviews the Top stories from the week. Guests for the program include Nasser Mohammadi, Writer/Journalist, Kayhan. Mr. Mohammadi will appear via Polycom/London.The other guest appearing is Shayan Samii, Professor of Political Science. Professor Samii will be on the program via phoner.

News & Views will have the latest on the bombings that took place In the Iraqi city of Karbala. The show will also report on the statements By British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who refused to fire official who allowed captured sailors to sell their stories. Reporter AliReza Nourizadeh will be on the show via phoner. Bahman Aghai-Diba, Consultant, World Resources Company will be in studio.

Roundtable will have Jacqeuline Shire,Senior Anaylist for ISIS , to discuss the Truth about Iran/Nuclear programs. Ms. Shire will be appearing via Polycom/ New York.

Late Edition will have Writer Hemila Pedram appearing via Polycom/Los Angeles to discuss her book "Bazzar Stories". Ms. Pedram will also discuss her experiences while living in Iran. The Eyes on America segment will feature a story on "An American Iman". Find out why Iman Johari Abdul-Malik is being referred to by many as the "21st Century Muslim Iman".