لینکهای قابل دسترسی

خبر فوری
شنبه ۲۰ بهمن ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۱۲:۳۱

Persian Primetime lineup 3/13

NewsTalk examines the issue of political prisonsers in Iran with Manucher Mohammadi, human rights activist, Nasser Mohammadi, journalist, Kayhan-London, and Elahe Boghrat, freelance journalist, on phone from Berlin. Kianoush Sanjari, a student activist recently released from prison in Iran, joins us by phone from Tehran.

News & Views focuses on Iran's nuclear program and today's Security Council action on a new sanctions package. Russia refuses to ship fuel to Iran's Bushehr nuclear plant until payments of $25 million a month are made. Vice President Cheney, speaking at this week's AIPAC conference, said confronting Iran requires victory in Iraq. Our Paris stringer reports on a recent conference on Iran in Paris. Anchor Setareh Derakhshesh, traveling with President Bush, reports live from Mexico.

Roundtable discusses a review of recent events in Iran with political analyst Alireza Nourizadeh.

Late Edition features an original package on this week's AIPAC conference.