News Talk examines the politics and economics of oil and gas in Iran with Sohrab Sobhani Adjunct Professor, Georgetown University, energy consultant; Homa Sarshar, freelance journalist and Dr. Jamshid Assadi, Professor, American University in Paris.
News & Views reports on Secretary Rice's announcement of an international conference hosted by Iraq which will include diplomatic representatives of the U.S., Iran & Syria. Reaction from State department spokesman Alberto Fernandez. Congressional report on this week's Senate Appropriations Committee hearing with Defense Secretary Gates, Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice and General Peter Pace. Live report from the House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing where former ambassador Richard Holbrooke is testifying on Iraq. Live report from New York correspondent Nazzy Beglari on her interview with Gary Saymore of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Roundtable hosts Hossein Mohri, a radio journalist at KRSI in Los Angeles. We discuss the latest on Iran's nuclear program,international efforts to stop it and Secretary Rice's announcement this week that the U.S. will participate in an Iraqi conference which will include diplomatic representatives from Iran and Syria.
Late Edition examines a new book recently released by the U.S. Institute of Peace, "21st Century Peacekeeping Operations."