NewsTalk briefly reviews today's headline news and Jamshid Charlengi of VOA host of today's program together with his guests review and examine the Execution of Saddam Hussein and its ramifications.Today's guests include, Dr. Cyrus Amoozgar, Journalist & Writer from Paris via polycom, Dr. Mehrdad Khonsari ex Iranian diplomat and political analyst from London via polycom and Dr. Mohssen Sazgara, political analyst from Harvard University in studio. k
News & Views leads with today’s headline news and reviews the life and death of the Iraqi dictator Saddam Hossein, his execution and his burial. Dr. Ali Reza Nourizadeh, Independent Journalist on the phone from London/UK, Nazzy Beglari of VOA, via phone from UN in New York and Mohammad Reza Shahid of VOA, via phone from Paris reflect the reaction & opinions of the world leaders and people on Saddam Hussein's execution. k
Roundtable’s host Bijan Farhoodi of VOA and guest Sussan Deyhim, Iranain singer and artist, via polycom talk about her latest works and the unique style of her singing. k
Late Edition leads with a brief review of the headline news, Behnood Mokri of VOA, host of the program talks to his guest Sam Amir-Ebrahimi of VOA about the problem and the reasons for Brain Drain in the Middle East and North Africa focusing on Iran. k