Newstalk examines Iran and its energy Sources with Dr. Sohrab Sobhani, Adjunct Professor, Georgetown University, Energy Consultant and Homa Sarshar, a freelance Journalist
News & Views reports on the latest in the fallout in Lebanon on the assassination of Pierre Gamayel. A live report from the UN. Host Ali Farhoodi interviews U.S. ambassador to the IAEA, Gregory Schulte, on the IAEA's refusal to assist Iran in building a nuclear reactor in Arak. Correspondent Siamak Dehgan Pour interviews the State Department's top advisor on Iraq, David Satterfield. Ms. Maryam Memar-Sadeghi of Freedom House discusses the recent arrest of Iranian labor leader Mr. Mansur Osanlu.
Roundtable leads with Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh on President Bush's just announced trip to Jordan to meet with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki and the latest from Lebanon. Georgetown sociologist Dr. Mehrdad Mashayekhi reacts to Iran's exceeding 70 million in population, its political and economic consequences.
Late Edition examines the problem of Darfur and the U.S. envoy's assertion that anti-terrorism cooperation between Khartoum and Washington is not impeding humanitarian efforts to stop the genocide.