Newstalk will discuss Iran's nuclear plans and the regional reaction from Iran's neighbors. Rasool Nafisi, a professor of political science from Strayer University and Dr. Dariush Malekniaizi, a political economist from London join the discussion.
News & Views will report on President Bush's signing of the Military Commissions Act of 2006 bill. "Washington Report" will have extensive coverage of Secretary Rice's trip to Asia and the latest from State on North Korea and Iran. Dr. Manouchehr Khosrowshahi, Professor & Director of the Middle East Outreach Program at Tyler Jr. College in Tyler, Texas will join us to discuss the nuclear standoffs with North Korea and Iran.
Roundtable hosts Esfandiar Baharmast from Denver, CO, Director of Advanced and International Referee Development for the U.S. Soccer Federation. Mr. Baharmast will discuss the controversy between the Federation of International Footbal Association (FIFA) and the Islamic Repubic of Iran.
Late Edition leads with the latest headlines and an interview with artist Sahar Farmanfamaian about her new short film, cd and dvd, "Caravan of Light".