A vigil in Honor of Ms. Zahra Kazemi - 2003-07-17

Ba Dorood,

A vigil in Honor

of Ms. Zahra Kazemi, the Brave Iranian/Canadian journalist who was mercilessly tortured and murdered at the hands of Iranian regime of Iran.

Once again the Islamic Regime of Iran has proved that there is no room for human rights, freedom and democracy in Iran as long as this dictatorship regime stays in power.

We invite all freedom loving people to join us in this occasion to remember Ms. Kazemi and thousands of other journalists and freedom loving activists who have suffered at the hands of Islamic Regime of Iran for the past 24 years.

Place: Parliament Hills Ottawa

Time: We will meet at 12:30 in front of the Parliament hills and from there will march towards the Iranian embassy.

Date: July 19th, 2003

Organizers: Gorouhe Rahe Ayande (Road to future)

For further info please contact us at (613)277-5349


Sayeh Hassan