To: Citizens of the World and Freedom Loving People Everywhere - 2003-06-15

Representative of Iran Democratic Front Abroad IDF

Hassan Massali Ph.D.

PO Box 60735

Potomac MD 20859


June 11, 2003

To: Citizens of the World and Freedom Loving People Everywhere

The non-violent and peaceful movement of the Iranian youth and university students for freedom, democracy and establishment of a secular government of the people, for the people and by the people has entered a new phase.

On the night of June 10, 2003, three thousand demonstrators poured into the streets of Tehran, calling on the clerical establishment to show more flexibility and demanding freedom for political prisoners. As reported by international media, in reaction to the demonstrators’ demands the oppressive regime in Tehran unleashed a wave of terror upon those who dared to defy them. The beatings and arrests began immediately. Consequently, the General Secretary of Iran Democratic Front, Mr. Heshmatollah Tabarzadi, is put under house arrest and a number of activists in Tehran and other cities have been detained. Friends and families of a student leader, Mr. Hassan Zareh Zadeh, have not been able to determine his whereabouts and safety.

These are difficult times for the youth movement in Iran.

We call upon all human rights organizations and democratic parties to condemn the injustices perpetrated against the victims of the recent brutalities, and support the Iranian youth’s peaceful struggle for freedom from religious tyranny.

We call upon Amnesty International to act on behalf of the prisoners and ensure their safety.

We call upon freedom lovers everywhere to lobby their respective governments

to denounce the use of violence against the Iranian youth

to free all political prisoners, and

to send a clear message to Tehran that the perpetrators of the recent brutalities have no place in the civilized world.