Persian Primetime lineup 12/24

Today’s Woman discusses the links between prostitution and poverty in various nations including the US and Iran. There’s a phoner with Mostafa Eghlima who runs an NGO for women in Tehran.

News and Views covers reports that up to 10 people have been executed in Tehran. There’s also comments from the State Department regarding the shuttering of various offices of human rights organizations in Iran, including that of Shirin Ebadi. NaV is also joined by CATO Institute's Malou Innocent to discuss Obama's foreign policy involving Afghanistan and the problems along the Afghan/Pakistani border

On the anniversary of the devastating earthquake in Bam, Iran, Roundtable will have the Tehran Delegation of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies to talk about the efforts to rebuild, and the issues that the government of Iran faces with regards to the rebuilding process.

Late Edition updates on an energy conference in Russia. There’s also a report on the student movement in Iran, a story about the “Church of Stop Shopping” that tries to bring back the true spirit of Christmas, and Christmas stories from Russia and the Middle-East, and we profile many of the people the “mattered” from 2008.

Newstalk features political analysts Alireza Nourizadeh from London and Moshen Sazegara, in the DC studio to discuss news of the week.