Persian Primetime lineup 6/17

Today’s Woman will focus on the outcome of the June 12th women's rights protest in Iran. The following segments will discuss the obstacles university students face in Iran, focusing on the sit-in taking place at Zarjan University where students are protesting the sexual harassment of a woman colleague by a top university official. Several of the protest participants will be phoner guests. As a continuation of the weblog series, the last segment will discuss a blog regarding the need to be more accepting of new ideas.

News and Views reports that British PM Gordon Brown said Britain will freeze assets of Iran's largest bank in a move to discourage Iran from developing nuclear weapons, and there are reports that Iran has withdrawn around $75-billion from Europe to prevent the assets from being blocked under threatened new sanctions. Barry Marston, FCO Middle East Spokesman, will discuss these latest developments on EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana’s trip to Iran and the UK/EU offer from world powers aimed at resolving the nuclear standoff. He will also follow-up on Pres Bush’s visit to the UK and the EU countries. He will be live from the London Studio. NaV will have interviews from inside Iran to provide background and context on the following stories: The Iranian police have closed down dozens of clothing stores and hairdressers and started cracking down on women and men who do not abide by Iran's Islamic dress code. Hundreds of university students protested demanding the removal of an administrator they accuse of sexually harassing a female. Workers of the Haft-Tapeh Sugar Cane Factory in Shush escalated their fight for unpaid wages this morning by blocking the main highway into the factory.

Mr. Arash Alaie, PNN correspondent and researcher, will join Roundtable to discuss housing problems for Iranian youth. He is live in the Washington studio.

Late Edition features reports on “doping” in the Olympics, Paul McCartney’s charity concert in Russia, the recent US Supreme Court ruling on Guantanamo Bay, and a review of the new film “Savage Grace.”

Newstalk features a discussion of Iran news with Rob Sobhani and Nasser Mohamdadi. Topics include Iran’s nuclear program and sanctions, Inflation in Iran, and student demonstrations in Iran.