Persian Primetime lineup 3/12

Today's Woman: The show will begin with coverage of current events, focusing on issues related to women. Next, the show will discuss the latest news relating to women and sports in Iran. The remainder of the show will focus on the upcoming women World Cup games and will include a package addressing the lack of Muslim women tennis players.

News & Views: The top US military commander in the Middle East is stepping down days after a magazine profile reported that he was trying to block US military action against Iran. Admiral William Fallon, the head of US Central Command, was described in an Esquire article last week as a lone voice within the administration arguing for restraint. The article's author, Thomas Barnett, had predicted that if Fallon was pushed out of his job "it may well mean that the president and vice-president intend to take military action against Iran before the end of this year and don't want a commander standing in their way" NaV producers have contacted CENTCOM regarding the statement. An interview with NIH researcher and Iran's Republican party Amir Hossein Ganjbakhsh on the upcoming parlimaentary elections. Erica J. Barks-Ruggles, Deputy Assistant Secretary For Democracy, Human Rights And Labor on State Department's new report on Human Rights, how it pertains to Iran, and how the report’s assessment of human rights in Iran may have changed. We will also ask her for her reactions, from a human rights perspective, of the treason investigation of Iranian MP Noureddine Pir Mouazen.

Roundtable hosts Dr. Abdolmajid Madjidi, former Director of Iran Plan Organization, to discuss the Iranian political economy.

Late Edition reports on the upcoming Iranian parlimentary elections.

NewsTalk hosts contributors Mohsen Sarzgara and Alireza Nourizadeh to discuss The Iranian election, Update on the situation in Iraq as well as the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.