Persian Primetime lineup 1/2

Today's Woman hosts Saeed Shafa, Founder and Executive Director of the Tiburon (CA) International Film Festival to discuss independent and Iranian cinema.

News & Views reports on Pakistan, whose parliamentary elections have been postponed until February 18 due to the unrest following the assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. Dr. Marvin Weinbaum Scholar-in-Residence, The Middle East Instutute joins us to analyze the situation. Bijan Farhoodi will be live from the State Department. He’ll offer reactions from State and elsewhere on the status of elections in Pakistan. He’ll also report on Sec. State Rice and British foreign Sec Milliband’s joint statement calling for a cessation of hostilities in Kenya. Ali will follow this with comments from Shimon Peres that Israel does not expect war with Iran. Political/congressional correspondent Siamak Deghanpour will report live on camera from Iowa. He will bring us up speed with latest from the presidential campaigns there, give us a brief analysis of what the importance of these caucuses are, and some of the candidates positions vis a vis Iran.

Roundtable. Economist Siamak Shojaie discusses the Iranian economy.

Late Edition reports on the latest news from the Middle East.

Newstalk hosts contributors Mohsen Sarzgara and Alireza Nourizadeh to discuss the latest news from Iran. Topics include Iran's inflation and gas problem, the status of the 1975 Algiers Accord which Iraq recently said was null and voic and recent comments from Israeli President Shimon Peres that he does not expect a war between Iran and Israel but that Iran is a threat to the world.