Persian Primetime lineup 11/20

Today's Woman discusses the death of a human rights activist Zahra Bani-Yaagoub in Iranian custody. Our guest is Faribah Davoodi Mohajer, a Fellow at the National Endowment for Democracy and woman's rights activist.

News & Views In our Washington Report we will get reaction on reports that Iran has agreed to a new round of talks with United States on improving security in Iraq, despite mounting tensions between the two arch-foes over the Iranian nuclear drive. Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said Washington had made an offer for the new talks via the Swiss embassy in Tehran. Iran and Venezuela on Monday signed four agreements of cooperation in various sectors during. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's visit to Tehran, the official IRNA news agency reported. Ray Walser, Senior Policy Analyst for Latin America for the Heritage Foundation will be live on set to discuss. Ken Berman, Voice of America’s Deputy for Information systems and technology will be live on set to discuss the IRI’s filtering of websites. Our email segment today will address our Iranian viewers concerns about the filtering.

Roundtable hosts contributor Alireza Nourizadeh to discuss Iran's offer to negotiate with the U.S. on Iraq, the IAEA meeting in Vienna and the crisis in Pakistan.

Late Edition reports on the '08 Democrat primary in New Hampshire.

NewsTalk hosts contributor Nasser Mohammadi and nuclear expert Dr. Nosaratolah Wahedi to discuss the IAEA meetings in Vienna.