Persian Primetime lineup 9/13

News & Views reports from the White House on the President's prime time speech on Iraq tonight. Congressional report on the Democratic prebuttal. Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL) proposes legislation highlighting the plight of jailed labor leaders in Iran. The U.S. is proposing a third round of sanctions against Iran. An "Inside Iran" interview with a journalist concerning the recent arrest of three ethnic minority activists. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declares that Iran does not need a nuclear bomb.

Roundtable hosts economics professor Shaheen Fatemi to discuss the Iranian economy.

Late Edition airs a VOA package on the scourge of "honor killings" in Kurdish Iraq and the attempt by activists and human rights groups to stop the practice.

NewsTalk discusses the latest on the U.S. attempts to impose a new round of sanctions on Iran as well as the Iranian cross border attacks into Kurdish Iraq with VOA contributor Rob Sobhani and journalist Elahe Bograt.