Persian Primetime lineup 7/6

News & Views reports on Senator Joe Lieberman's (I-CT) call in today's Wall Street Journal for a tougher stand towards Iran. Exclusive report from VOA's Islamabad stringer on the continued siege at the Red Mosque. Report from Paris where Senator John McCain (R-AZ) is meeting with French President Nicholas Sarkozy. Report from the UN and an interview with a UNICEF representative in Iran who says the country is advocating HIV/AIDS prevention among Iran's youth. Purdue historian Janet Afary on her Nation magazine piece on the recent history of Iran. News & Views expands to two hours daily.

Roundtable hosts Mr. Mehrdad Payandeh, a german economist, to discuss economic sanctions against Iran.

Late Edition examines the Vice Presidency of Dick Cheney.

NewsTalk hosts University of Berlin researcher, Dr. Mehram Barati from Berlin and political science professor Shayan Samaii to discuss a roundup of U.S. foreign towards Iran news.