Persian Primetime lineup 1/21

Newstalk: Payam Yazdian of VOA briefly reviews today's headline news and Jamshid Charlengi of VOA host of today's program together with his guests review and examine the Islamic Republic of Iran's new fiscal year budget and the effects of the ramifications of the United Nations sanctions on Iran and Ahmadinejad's economic policy in Iran. Today's guests include, Dr. Cyrus Amoozgar, Journalist & Writer from Paris via polycom, Dr. Mehrdad Khonsari ex Iranian diplomat and political analyst from London via polycom and Dr. Mohssen Sazgara, political analyst from Harvard university in studio.

News & Views: Anooshiravan Kangarloo of VOA talks about today's headline news in detail and together with his guests reviews Ahmadinejad's speech with regards to his Nuclear plans and policies and the late fiscal year Budget of Iran. Today's guests include, in studio Dr.Morteza Anvari, Plitical analyst from Strayer university together with Dr. Ali Reza Nourizadeh, Independent Journalist on the phone from London/UK, and Dr. Jamshid Assadi professor of economics from American university from Paris via polycicom.

Roundtable: Bijan Farhoodi of VOA and his guest, Dr. Omid Memarian of UC Berkeley school of Journalism via polycom from Berkeley California talk about the weaknesses of Ahmadinejad's Political situation.

Late Edition: After a brief review of the headline news, Behnood Mokri of VOA host of the program, talks to Maryam Memar Sadeghi human rights activist from Freedom House and the Internet Magezine called, Gozar.Com.