۱۶ دسامبر ٢٠١٣
تصویر روز

Indian electricians adjust electric cables set up temporarily on the banks of the river Ganga in preparation for the annual Hindu religious fair of Magh Mela in Allahabad.

U.S. President Barack Obama laughs as children dressed like elves gathered around a Christmas tree, look at their presents presented to them by the first family at the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C., Dec. 15, 2013.

Members of a dance ensemble "Momix Botanica" pose in Duesseldorf, Germany.

A girl poses for a photograph next to a 3D painting of China's late Chairman Mao Zedong at an exhibition in Binzhou, Shandong province, Dec. 15, 2013.

A salesclerk displays a high-heeled shoe-shaped chocolate decorated with gold leaves at the Seibu Department Store in Tokyo, Japan.