لینکهای قابل دسترسی

خبر فوری
جمعه ۳۰ شهریور ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۱۷:۲۵

PERSIAN  MUSICIANS  ARRIVED AFTER  3 Years جلد دوم موسيقيدانان ايرانی نوشته پژمان اکبرزاده منتشر شد - 2003-02-25

After a three-year delay due to lack of financial support by Iran's cultural organizations, the second volume of the research book “Persian Musicians” published in Tehran.

According to the writer: “ In recent decades various works in the activities and works of 20th century Persian (Iranian) musicians have been written that in my opinion, «History of Persian Music» by the late Rouhollah Khaleghi, and «Outlook on the Music of Persia» by Sassan Sepanta have been a major reference point and are among the sources of the present book.

Some of the other collections have appeared in recent years, in book or CD form, whose publications have not only been a disservice to the musical culture of Persia, but rather, in spite of the protests and elucidation of certain musicians and others, they have led many art seekers and researchers off the right path and added to the country's confusing situation in music.

The publication of such works might be a reflection of the general social, cultural and political situation in Persia (Iran) . That which Master Khaleghi and Dr. Sepanta have recorded in spite of their special value, generally relate to many years past, while the lack of new, documented and unbiased information and research on the activities of contemporary musicians can easily be felt. Without any claims have presented a flawless work, and in spite of a multitude of difficulties, while intending merely to gather and organize scattered information and documents, as well as to record what has not been written, I have attempted to create a useful and usable collection for Persian music lovers. While avoiding fashionable verbosity, digressions and personal opinion, the collection embraces the activities of Persian (Iranian) musicians in various field.”

Ms. Arfa Atrai (santur soloist, researcher and a former professor of the Persian National Music Conservatory in Tehran) who has written the preface of this book adds: “After Khaleghi's and Sepanta’s works the present work is now available to us. The very young Persian researcher Pejman Akbarzadeh (b. 1980) has attempted, to the extent possible, to avoid slogans and personal opinion, to present a brief and useful description of the biographies of musicians in recent periods who have had a role in advancing Persian art music. The publication of the second volume of this research demonstrates his love, dedication, and perseverance in this subject."

The fist volume of Persian Musicians on the artistic activities of contemporary Persian composers and conductors published in 2000 which according to Dr. M. Hajarian " Is a cause for honor of Persian musicology society” (Iranian Musicology Quarterly – published in Maryland - No.12, Autumn 2002).

The 3rd and 4th volume will be come IF the financial problem let the young auther! More information on this project at: http://www.parstimes.com/persianmus icians.html