Today’s Woman will discuss the influence that technology and the
Internet had in the 2008 US presidential election and the impact it is
now having in the Iranian elections including contributions from PNN's
Hamed Behravan and a pre-recorded interview with Mr. Reza Badamchi,
website manager from inside Iran.
News and Views continues its comprehensive coverage of the elections
with stories about possible fraud in the election, the candidate’s
position on civil rights, and coverage of the elections in the Arab
world. Dr. Jamshid Assadi, economist and professor to discuss the
candidate’s economic platforms.
Straight Talk Features Mansour Farhang of Bennington College and former
IRI diplomat Rajaie-Khorassani will debate the impact of the
presidential debates.
Late Edition updates on the election, and there’s also a car segment, a
look at photos of US President Obama’s inauguration, a profile of singer
Mandy Moore, and a documentary about the rock band “Anvil.”
Newstalk features political analysts Alireza Nourizadeh in London and
Moshen Sazegara in the DC studio to discuss the election and the debates.