Today’s Woman will focus on issues related to sexual addiction with
guest Ms. Maryam Mohebi, sex therapist based in Toronto.
New and Views updates on reactions to President Obama’s national
security speech, and will report what is budgeted to fund the wars in
Iraq and Afghanistan. Charles Vick -- Senior Analyst with Global
Security, who will comment on this week's Iranian missile launch. Azadeh
N. Shahshahani, National Security/Immigrants' Rights Project Director of
the ACLU Foundation of Georgia. She will discuss the closing of
Guantanamo and the controversy over the disclosure of the torture
photos. NaV will also offer the latest on its coverage of the
Presidential election, and will update on Roxana Saberi’s arrival in the US.
Dr. Kamran Dadkhah, economics professor at Northeastern University, will
conclude Straight Talk’s week long discussion on Iran's economy
Late Edition takes an in depth look at LA’s music impresario “Metal
Sanaz.” There’s also a new “Coffee Shop segment about cutting edge
technology and Static takes on the Presidential election.
Newstalk will discuss the week in US foreign policy.