Today’s Woman will discuss the status of women in Scandinavian countries
including a pre-recorded interview with the Deputy Chief of Mission from
the Norwegian Embassy in Washington. The remainder of the show will
focus on maternity rights for working mothers and fathers.
News and Views follows reports of a successful missile launch by Iran,
and will have world reactions. NaV interviews presidential candidates
now that the field in the race has been narrowed, and will discuss
election as it pertains to women. Salameh Nemat, Jordanian journalist,
who will discuss President Obama's meeting with Israeli Prime Minister
Netanyahu and the prospects for Peace in the Middle East
Straight Talk will host a debate between Behrouz Khaliq in Germany and
Hassan Mansour in London regarding Iran’s economy.
Late Edition features an update on the “Democracy Is” video challenge,
and will interview a representative from the program, as well as one of
the Iranian finalists. There’s also a look at the “Middle East MTV,” a
profile of the band “Crystal Method,” and the latest from the Cannes
Film Festival.
Newstalk features political analysts Alireza Nourizadeh in London and
Moshen Sazegara in the DC studio to discuss news of the week.