Today’s Woman will include an update on the Today's Woman photo
competition entitled "Iranian Women in Society" with in-studio guest
photo journalist Mr. Reza Deghati. Discussion will also focus on
plagiarism and copyright laws including a phone interview with Mr.
Mohammad Aghasi, lawyer from inside Iran.
News and Views covers the reactions to yesterday’s meetings regarding
Iran’s nuclear program, and updates on Roxana Saberi’s espionage charge.
There’s also continuing coverage of the North Korea missile situation
and coverage of Somali Pirates taking an American ship captain hostage
on the high seas. Dr. Shahrokh Ahkami, physician, founder and editor of
Persian Heritage, a quarterly magazine, will talk about being the
organizer of the New York Norouz Parade.
Economist Mohammad Eghtedari will join Roundtable discuss the soaring
unemployment rate among the Iranian youth. Economists say Iran will have
to create more than a million new jobs every year in order to absorb its
young population in its workforce.
Late Edition looks at student volunteers in the US. There’s an interview
with director and film critic Basir Nasibi, cell phones that are works
of art, a look at the latest tour from rockers Motley Crue, a man who
“directs” people’s dreams, and a preview of the new film Hannah Montana
Newstalk features its roundup of PNN journalists who will analyze news
of the week.