لینکهای قابل دسترسی

خبر فوری
شنبه ۶ مرداد ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۱۱:۲۴

Persian Primetime lineup 3/12

In this special show Today’s Woman will reveal the winners of the "Today's Woman" photo contest, "Iranian Women in Society," including an interview with Mr. Reza Deghati, renowned photographer and judge of the competition. The show will also feature phone interviews with two of the contest winners, Reza Karimi and Hooman Ghadarian.

News and Views reports that US President Barack Obama has invited China's top diplomat to the White House in an effort to defuse tensions over a dispute in the South China Sea. NaV also covers reports that France has decided to return to NATO as a full-fledged member, and will update on the end of this week’s summit of the Economic Cooperation Organization in Tehran. Dr. Reza Taghizadeh professor of political science at Glasgow University and an expert on the Iranian affairs will comment on Economic and political implications of the ECO conference. From inside Iran the broadcast reports that a man was stoned to death last week on charges of adultery.

Late Edition features a discussion with the creators of a “graphic novel” version of the Shahnameh. There’s also a reports on the success of new “Smart” cars, the latest from fashion week in Paris, singer Annie Lennox performing in the UK, and a preview of the new Broadway play “33 Variations.”

Roundtable discusses the latest research into depression and how it can be cured without drugs, with NIH researcher Dr. Mark George.

Newstalk features its roundup of PNN journalists who will analyze news of the week.