Today’s Woman will reveal the finalists of the "Today's Woman" photo contest. The remainder of the show will discuss Iranian women in cinema with guest Mr. Omid Habibinia, journalist and media researcher based in Copenhagen.
News and Views updates on Iran’s comments on the arrest warrant issued for the President of Sudan, and will have reaction from the UN. There’s also coverage of Secretary of State Clinton’s accusations that Iran’s hardline leaders foment divisions in the Arab world and promote terrorism. NaV will have the latest on the status of the elections in Afghanistan. From inside Iran there’s an interview regarding the work and pay conditions of teachers in Iran, and today the broadcast launches a new edition of its sports segment.
Roundtable hosts human rights expert Hoseein Bagherzadeh who will update viewers on the human rights situation in Iran and the recent U.S. State Department report. He will appear from our London studio.
Late Edition updates on Secretary of State Clinton’s trip to the MidEast. There’s also a medical segment, an interview with the California publisher of books on Persian culture, and a preview of the new film Phoebe in Wonderland.
Newstalk features its roundup of PNN journalists who will analyze news of the week.