لینکهای قابل دسترسی

خبر فوری
یکشنبه ۱۱ شهریور ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۰۵:۳۸

Persian Primetime lineup 2/21

Today’s Woman looks at the phenomenon of temporary marriages in the Islamic Republic and interviews two experts on the social repercussions of this controversial practice.

News & Views interviews international relations expert Mehrdad Khonsari in London on the recent report by the International Atomic Energy Agency on Iran’s nuclear program and the reaction by the United States and the international community; a report on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s visit to the Far East; Israeli President Shimon Peres asking Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu to form a new government; Kyrgyz President’s decision on the closure of the U.S. airbase outside Bishkek in the Manas international airport.

48 Hours
will interview have Khosrow Semnani, an Iranian philanthropist and entrepreneur based in Utah. He will talk about his charitable work in the United States, which includes founding a free medical clinic for low-income people in Salt Lake City. He is also the chairman of www.omidforIran.org, which last week sent an open letter to President Obama, which was published in the Washington Post.

Late Edition’s top story is Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s remarks in China calling on Beijing to join the United States in an ambitious effort to curb greenhouse gases; the show will also talk to animation artist Reza Dolatabadi in Edinburgh, Scotland on his award-winning film “God.”

Newstalk will have a panel discussion on the recent crackdown by Iranian authorities on Sufi dervishes in Isfahan. The destruction of their house of worship seems to be a part of a campaign by religious conservatives against what is perceived to be a deviation from true Islam. A student leader will also discuss by phone a similar ratcheting up of pressure on student groups.