لینکهای قابل دسترسی

خبر فوری
سه شنبه ۳۰ بهمن ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۱۸:۰۰

Persian Primetime lineup 2/19

Today’s Woman will discuss the life and artistic works of our guest Ms. Lida Shodsi, photographer based in Lille, France.

News and Views updates on Secretary of State Clinton’s trip to Asia, and offers the latest on the political situation in Israel, with a live report on the UN’s efforts to solidify peace in Gaza. There’s also coverage Dr. Svante Cornell of Research Director for the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute at Johns Hopkins University to discuss: Turkey's role as a mediator in the Palestinian/Israeli conflict; Kyrgyzstan and its decision to close the US base at Manas. NaV offers the latest in its series on Iran and the environment, and the broadcast is joined by Behruz Sarshar to discuss discrimination against religious groups in Iran.

Mr. Arash Aalaei, PNN reporter, will join Roundtable in another episode of our "Reporter's Notebook" to discuss his newest investigation into the air and water pollution in Iran.

Late Edition profiles Denver, Colorado, one of the “greenest” cities in the US. There’s also an interview with a journalist who was on the ground at the Berlin Film Festival, a profile of a US musician with a humanitarian mission, coverage of the Brit music awards, and a preview of the new film Coraline.

Newstalk features its roundup of PNN journalists who will analyze news of the week.