لینکهای قابل دسترسی

خبر فوری
شنبه ۶ مرداد ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۰۳:۲۴

Persian Primetime lineup 2/13

Today’s Woman will discuss Valentines Day and expressions of love with guest Dr. Azita Sayan, psychologist based in Los Angeles.

News and Views updates on the outcome of the elections in Israel. NaV is joined Dian Alaei, Bahai community representative to the UN in Geneva to discuss Iran’s pledge to try seven leaders of the banned Baha'i faith on charges. Mariam Seyhoun, Art Gallery owner, will discuss Iranian art 30 years after the revolution, and the broadcast presents day eight of its Iran/Africa series

Mr. Iraj Jannati-Ataei, noted Iranian lyricist will join Roundtable for a review of his works, and the progress of Iranian music in the years subsequent to the revolution.

Late Edition updates on US diplomacy in Afghanistan. There’s also recognition of the life of the 16^th US president Abraham Lincoln, a continuation of the US university series, an interview with actress Mary Apick, and an update of the Fajr Film Festival.

Newstalk will discuss the week in US foreign policy.