لینکهای قابل دسترسی

خبر فوری
شنبه ۶ مرداد ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۱۱:۲۴

Persian Primetime lineup 1/10

Today’s Woman: The show features Ms. Nasrin Sotude to discuss the Simone Simone De Beauvoir prize to One Million Signature Campaign. The show also answers to viewers’ medical questions.

News and Views: Palestinians living in Gaza took advantage of a three-hour halt in Israeli firing on Saturday to stock up on groceries. Medics also used the lull to rescue casualties in areas of fighting and aid groups organized food distribution.
Our guest is Dr. Bahman Aghaii Diba.

The First Two Days: We will have a close look at the establishment of Iran's Supreme Revolutionary Council which came to being exactly 30 years ago days before the Shah's departure from Iran. The guests will be historian and researcher Mehdi Ahmad, a former Member of Parliament in pre-revolutionary Iran and Houshang Assadi, a political editor in Tehran's major daily, Kayhan. Mr. Ahmad will be on set and Mr. Assadi will join the discussion via remote in Paris.

Late Edition: Top story: Gaza attack
Our guest, Ms. Shokooh Mirzadegi will discuss dangers to Passargad in Iran.

NewsTalk: The show will discuss Iran in the past week, with Dr. Mehran Barati, Dr. Bahman Aghaii Diba, and Mr. Mehdi Khalagi.