لینکهای قابل دسترسی

خبر فوری
شنبه ۶ مرداد ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۱۱:۵۲

Persian Primetime lineup 1/8

Today’s Womanwill discuss the "Women in Iranian Society" photo contest and will feature several submissions. Next, the show will highlight the memory of figures in contemporary arts and cultures who past away in 2008 including Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Harold Pinter, Arthur Clark Science Fiction) Miriam McKeba (Mama Afrika) and Yousef Shahine Egytian Director).

News and Views continues its coverage of the situation in Gaza, with updates from the UN, diplomatic efforts, and Lebanon’s involvement. Mr. Mark Regev, Spokesman for the Israeli Prime Minister joins us live from Jerusalem to discuss the current Gaza situation.
NaV also covers president elect Obama’s "major economic speech" at George Mason University
From inside Iran there is an interview with a member of children’s
right organization in Iran, Ms. Nazar Ahari to discuss 20,000 street children in Iran returning to the streets due to some differences between Tehran Mayor and State Welfare Organization. Also there’s an interview regarding Physicians for Human Rights (PHR)urged the Iranian government to end the incommunicado detention of Drs. Arash Alaei and Kamiar Alaei, two Iranian physicians who have reportedly been detained in Iran by Iranian authorities.

features its viewer participation day, taking calls and emails regarding the news of the week.

Late Editionupdates on the situation in Gaza, as well as president Bush’s . There’s a story of a US breakdancer teaching Cambodian children his art, an interview with the head of a California university’s Persian studies department, a look at the sport of eagle hunting, and a preview of the TV series “24.”

features its roundup of PNN journalists who will analyze news
of the week.