لینکهای قابل دسترسی

خبر فوری
شنبه ۶ مرداد ۱۴۰۳ ایران ۰۷:۰۰

Persian Primetime lineup 12/29

Today's Woman - Our recent interview with journalist and author of “Standing Alone: An American Women Struggle for Soul of Islam” Asra Nomani is the focus of our show. Nomani presents her view of Islam as a progressive religion. She goes on to explain that for its time Islam was a very progressive, and if we were to hold true to its intentions, Islam should change as the time do. She defends her point of view by referring back to the Quran and suggests that its acceptance of polygamy was a feminist notion for its time because of its limit on number of wives when men were free to do as they wished. Nomani denounces the criminalization of sexuality, stating “ I firmly believe that sexuality, specially between consenting adults, is an issue of privacy and it’s an issue of private affairs. It is not an issue of the state”. The final segment highlights the leading illness and health related discoveries of 208 such as diabetes, cholera and negative health effects of plastic food containers.

NEWS AND VIEWS - The latest developments on Israeli-Hamas in Gaza was reported, as Israeli continues air strikes on Hamas. An explosion in Pakistan kills 26 people. Pakistan moves a group of its armed forces to the border. In Iran a group of Iranian Sufis was arrested by Iranian authorities. Farideh Rahbar, spoke with Mr. Mostafa Azmayesh on this subject. Our guest, Dr. Hossein Bagherzadeh discusses the recent truth confession in Morocco, and its application to present Iranian society. We also report on US and World reaction to the escalation of Israeli – Palestinian

- Mr. Menashe Amir, an Iranian Israeli specialist joins us from Jerusalem. The topic is the latest Middle East Crisis – escalating violence between Israelis and Palestinians and the role of the Islamic Republic.

Late Edition - The top story will be devoted to the latest development in the Middle East. Other segments Consists of 2008 Year-enders taking a look at the year in Music, the Olympics, the art market and an interview in internet Café in Japan. We also have a report of unemployment and how to search in job market.

NEWSTALK - The guests will be Elahe Hicks, Human rights activist from N.Y., Parviz Safari from Tehran, Khosrow Kurdpour from Mahabad, reporter and journalist from Iranian Kurdish region, Mr. Nasser Rashidi, Human Rights activist. The topic will be that status of human rights in Iran.